Monday, June 17, 2013

Seeds of Change...Trust the Process

Be patient with yourself.  Be patient.  It takes time to work out issues, to work through things.  It takes time to learn lessons.  The more important the lesson the longer the cycle to work it out, to work it through.

We live in a technical age, but our souls aren't technical.  Our souls are still connected to nature.  We grow and change as nature does.  Learn her ways, study her seasons and cycles.  And know, those same seasons and cycles are in each of us.

The process of change is like planting a seed and watching it grow and bloom into a flower.

What are you trying to develop?  A project?  A change in yourself?  Is there something new you're learning, trying to do?  Are you trying to adjust to a major change in your life?  Is there an old habit you're struggling to let go of?  A love relationship, or a friendship you're hoping to begin, or attempting to end?

Each stage of the process of growth and change is important.  From those first moments when we clearly see the ideas, the change beginning, to those long moments of nurturing and nourishing the idea.  Each stage counts.

Is there a change in your life that has begun?  One you've started to notice?  Are you thinking about it a lot, talking about it, but not quite ready to take action?  This stage is important too.  You are nurturing and nourishing the seeds of change.

It takes time for nature to change things into what they're becoming.  It takes time for things to develop.  Be patient with yourself in life.  Trust the process of growth.


As I head into Santiago today I leave you with these words:

Dear Amazing + Incredible Beautiful Soul!

You were meant to find this message today.  Let your PASSION guide you on this incredible journey in Life . . . Your Life.  Why were you put on this earth?  Do you know your Why?  You are needed in this world.  Are you living your truth?  The truth that make you shine?  Share your LIGHT with others as you go through your day.  There is MAGIC around every corner if you just have ChildLike Eyes and Wonder.  Be who you are meant to be in this world!  You Are Loved . . .

P.S.  Get a bottle of Bubbles and blow bubbles in case you've forgotten your ChildLike Wonder & seeing the world thru childlike eyes .